I am pleased to introduce a new series of mezuzot– called ‘Waves of Love.‘  The design was inspired by our dear Rabbi– Danny Gottlieb, who is becoming Rabbi Emeritus– at our temple, Beth Israel Judea.  Rabbi Gottlieb has meant a lot to me personally.  He was never too busy to speak with me about my Judaica, Jewish teachings or personal matters.  He was there for me when I purchased the Torah Scroll for Art for Prayer and Peace: A Bridge to Oneness.  He went through the Torah scroll with me, examined it and helped me find the parts that I can show and teach to others.  He even inspired me to get up early on Saturday mornings for over a year to study Torah with him and others, in our spirited class.  He and his wife Ricki sang beautifully together.  There were so many special micro-moments with them, I can’t count.

Soft-spoken and dedicated to our congregation– we really miss him and Ricki.  That’s why we designed a gift for them, that we can all enjoy into our future.  We are merging with a Congregation B’nai Emunah and will eventually be hiring a new full time rabbi.  In the meantime, its beauty will remind us of his steadfast support of lifelong Jewish education, as he moves in to the role of Rabbi Emeritus.

The Waves of Love Mezuzah Series will be available with 50% net proceeds benefitting Jewish education at our combined temple from March 26th – April 11th.  After that it will remain for sale on my site with a 10% benefit ongoing.




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