Taking Action Since The Election

Taking action helps me feel better during a time when I feel powerless. My mom and I– with the help of many of you– have compiled a list of things we can all do in the short term to make a difference. As new things arise we’ll update the list.

1.) Under a Trump administration, Planned Parenthood will loose Federal Funding. Donate to Planned Parenthood Now.

2.) According to the New York Times, Hillary Clinton lost in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by a total of little more than 100,000 votes. Demand a Recount of votes in these key swing states.

3.) Steve Bannon has been appointed as the chief of strategy for Trump– but he’s a confirmed white supremacist. Here are some ways to stop Bannon from assuming this powerful position:

Postcard Avalanche to Stop Bannon:

Get a postcard from your state – any picture that represents your state.
In the message section, write this simple message: NOT BANNON!
Sign your name if you wish Address it as follows:
Donald Trump c/o The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022
Affix a stamp – you can use a 34 cent postcard stamp, or a normal letter stamp.
Take a picture of your postcard that you can share on social media on Nov. 26-28th
Drop it in the mail between Saturday, Nov 26th and Monday, Nov. 28th to create a concentrated avalanche of postcards.
On Nov. 26-28th, Tweet and share the heck out of your photo using the hashtags #postcardavalanche #stopbannon

Stop Bannon Part Two:
If you live in the US, CALL (don’t email) your Representatives and Senators and tell them this is unacceptable.
Paul Ryan is feigning ignorance again. Call his office at (202) 225-3031 and let him know that this is not ok. Same with Majority Leader McConnell, (202) 224-2541

4.) The Southern Poverty Law Center an American nonprofit legal advocacy organization specializing in civil rights and public interest litigation. It is noted for its legal victories against white supremacist groups, its classification of hate groups and other extremist organizations, its legal representation for victims of hate groups, and its educational programs that promote tolerance. Donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center Now.

5.) Sign the Petition: Appoint Garland to the Supreme Court.

6.) Protect our environment from a Trump Administration of Climate Change Deniers: Donate to the Sierra Club.

7.) Support the Anti-Defamation League‘s efforts to stop discrimination and bigotry in this country.

8.) Wear your Safety Pins! Show people that you are willing to stand up and create a safe environment for a diverse America. We are handmaking them and you can purchase them here.

9.) OK– this one isn’t really election related, but it is relevant. In North Dakota right now, nonviolent pro

testers of the Standing Rock Sioux – one of many Native American Tribes constantly threatened by environmental injustice – is fighting to keep its water safe and clean by means of a historic protest. Donate to Standing Rock and support the Native Americans. You can also Sign the Petition to Demilitarize Standing Rock.

10.) Many of my friends and relatives have experienced trouble sleeping or faced anxiety over the last few weeks. Here are some recommendations for radical self care. Download this Audio Recording for help with sleeping by hypnotherapist Marilyn Gordon and a great resource for Free Guided mediations from Insight LA.

I really hope that this list helps you get involved and stay involved. Thanks for all your love and support and please, keep your suggestions coming!

With Love,

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