Community Outreach

A Protest for Two-States is a Peaceful Protest

WHAT IS PEACEFUL, AND WHAT ISN’T? The “peaceful protesters” — students, teachers and administrators, at American Universities and High Schools are attacking, intimidating, mocking, harassing,  and endangering Jewish students lives– just for being Jewish.  Protesting the actions of Netanyahu’s racist government including the disregard for Palestinian civilian life and the illegal settlements, is not Antisemitic– it is warranted. Denying Israel’s…

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Dear Non-Jewish Friends: I Need Your Help!

To my dear non-Jewish friends, Your kids are being taught to hate mine. Kindergarteners nationwide now learn that “I is for Intifada”. On the daily, in both K-12 and Universities, Jewish kids are being tormented, harassed, spat on and threatened. “Death to Israel”, “Kill all the Jews”, “Long Live the Intifada!”, Hitler mustaches and Nazi salutes are just some of…

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Anti-Israel Bias in SF Chronicle

I wrote another letter to the SF Chronicle today: ”I just love how protesters against Israel get front page coverage, while Iran’s attack on Israel wasn’t covered at all in Sundays paper, and was relegated to the back of the first section on Monday. As usual, that headline focused on what Israel might do to retaliate— without reporting on the…

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Feature in Yahoo! Finance

Feature in Yahoo! Finance

Aimee Golant’s Metal Art Preserves Legacy, Crafting ‘Peace’ with Her Pieces Designer and metalsmith, Aimee Golant creates pieces that symbolize peace, andempower women that are deeply connected to her heritage. San Francisco, California, March 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Golden Gate City artist Aimee Golant has long been known for her jewelry and Judaica. Her creations through her brand Aimee…

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An Open Letter to MoveOn: Re: Petition to fund UNRWA

Let me start with this— given the dire need for aid to the innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza— my arguing against an organization  (UNWRA) that could bring needed help to the area feels short-sided at best, cruel at worst.  As with the entirety of this ugly war, we humans are sometimes forced to “take sides” in a way that would…

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Women in Kinship

Women in Kinship

Women in Kinship began to manifest for me around early-January when San Francisco passed a resolution calling for a “sustained ceasefire” in the conflict between Gaza and Israel.  The City Council meeting was full of people spewing antisemitic slurs and using hateful and intimidating tactics to scare those who attended to defend Israel.   When people call for a ceasefire…

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A Prayer: I’m Calling

A Prayer: I’m Calling

A Prayer: I’m calling! Call it the messiah, G-d (Shaddai), call it Aliens, call it Psilocybin, call it Ohm, call it the Sounds of the Oceans and the Seas, call it Allah, call it the Arranger of the Clouds and the Cosmos, or the Colors of the Sunrise and Sunset. Call it a good night’s Sleep. Call it the River…

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Hebrew Letter Shin: Shaddai Prayer

Hebrew Letter Shin: Shaddai Prayer

Shin: favorite shape. I see it in nature, Art, everywhere. Spiritually speaking it reminds me of the presence of G-d since the shape looks like Hebrew letter shin— which stands for Shaddai. Shaddai is one of many ways of referring to G-d in Judaism. It’s both an all encompassing and nurturing version of god. Very powerful, actually. The root of…

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Hand In Hand Schools – Mezuzah Fundraiser

Hand In Hand Schools – Mezuzah Fundraiser

Today is the one month anniversary (Shloshim) of the horrific attack by Hamas in Israel on the– supposedly– joyous Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah.  The atrocities in the land that are being committed daily are nothing less than unbearable. In these terrible times, I do have something kind to share.   Hand in Hand School in Jerusalem that integrates Arab…

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Propaganda in San Francisco: Hateful Murals

Propaganda in San Francisco: Hateful Murals

As a progressive left-wing voter, it’s been heartbreaking to see so many liberals fall for the rhetoric of Hamas and the enemies of the Jews.  Everyday here in San Francisco, I see more and more evidence of antisemitism and divisive tactics on our city streets.  While I do not agree with the horrid right wing Israeli government/settlers forcibly removing innocent…

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