Search: Tree of Life

Afikomen Judaica – A new voice for Aimee Golant

Nell and Chaim at Afikomen Judaica have stepped up their support of local Jewish Artist Aimee Golant. “We’ve created a partnership by showcasing Aimee’s art and sharing her story, we can help her cause for peace.” In a new agreement, they have significantly expanded their collection of her art in the store. They have more jewelry– the Shin Tree of…

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Blatant Threads of Antisemitism Woven into SF Media

Blatant Threads of Antisemitism Woven into SF Media

In your article on October 9th, 2024– front page titled: “SFUSD School Closures: What Every Family Needs to Know“ the image printed online and on page A7  highlights a protester holding a sign that reads “MONEY FOR EDUCATION NOT FOR OCCUPATION.”  This choice of image, I feel blatantly perpetuates anti-Semitic rhetoric by falsely connecting US policies supporting Israel and budget…

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Propaganda in San Francisco: Hateful Murals

Propaganda in San Francisco: Hateful Murals

As a progressive left-wing voter, it’s been heartbreaking to see so many liberals fall for the rhetoric of Hamas and the enemies of the Jews.  Everyday here in San Francisco, I see more and more evidence of antisemitism and divisive tactics on our city streets.  While I do not agree with the horrid right wing Israeli government/settlers forcibly removing innocent…

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Great Coping Strategies in the wake of COVID-19

Great Coping Strategies in the wake of COVID-19

Dear Friends, Family, Neighbors, Customers, Clients and Colleagues, It’s times like these when I focus on the unique opportunities that I am afforded by having time at home. (If home is not a safe place for you, please click here.)  This post is dedicated to ways that you can help yourself and help others during the quarantine.   Although I…

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Caring for the Earth

Because all Jewish festivals are tied to the moon cycle, we are intrinsically connected to nature and the cosmos.  That is why all holidays fall on different dates each year. We are tied to a land– Israel.  And we have many festivals that celebrate nature — like Tu Bishvat for planting trees and Sukkot for celebrating the harvest. Connecting with…

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Colombia: A Spiritual Adventure – Part Six

As we entered the Pueblto area Lorenzo showed me a carving of an Indian Shaman in the stone. He explained that it is traditional to greet this carving and leave a smaller stone on top— in order to ask permission to enter. I was so caught up in the moment of learning about this that I did not actually pick…

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