Regarding “SFUSD school closures: What every family needs to know” (San Francisco,, Oct. 7): The photo published online (since deleted) and on Page A7 of the Oct. 9 print edition with this story highlights a protester holding a sign that reads “MONEY FOR EDUCATION NOT FOR OCCUPATION.” 

This choice of image blatantly perpetuates antisemitic rhetoric by falsely connecting U.S. policies supporting Israel and budget problems in San Francisco public schools.  We feel a responsibility to call out this dangerous anti-Israel bias.

Like it or not, Israel (a democratic state with freedom of religion) is a central part of the Jewish story, and it is impossible to separate the connection between Israel and Jews. 

So, yes, the person carrying that sign and the Chronicle’s published photo of it are both antisemitic.

Jews historically have been blamed for all sorts of issues that have led to alienation, intimidation and attempted genocide. There’s been a spike in antisemitism post-Oct. 7. From Jewish-owned businesses being defaced, graffiti on street signs, sidewalks and highway signs, and in the media everywhere we look, we are bombarded with anti-Israel messages. 

These images and messages, when woven into our media, further inflame division, taint public opinion and endanger the safety of Jewish families.

The Chronicle should issue an apology and be more diligent when choosing how to inform readers about problems in public schools.

Aimee Golant, Pens for Swords

PS:  You can reference my original article here:

Here’s how it looked in print:

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