Thank you J.Jewish News Weekly for placing my art of the cover of the 2016 Resource Guide. The Resouce Guide is a guide to Jewish life in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can find listings on religious life, life cycle events, agencies and organizations, information for kids programs, Israel connections, arts and Judaica, food and more. Thanks again J.…
Nell and Chaim at Afikomen Judaica have stepped up their support of local Jewish Artist Aimee Golant. “We’ve created a partnership by showcasing Aimee’s art and sharing her story, we can help her cause for peace.” In a new agreement, they have significantly expanded their collection of her art in the store. They have more jewelry– the Shin Tree of…
Thanks to the leadership of Rev. Maggie Oman Shannon, I had the honor of presenting and affixing mezuzot at the Unity Spiritual Center in San Francisco on Sunday, April 10th, 2016– and I am still walking on air. Some of the people who attended the service had never heard of the mezuzah before my presentation. Others had seen them because…
The spiritual benefits of the mezuzah are vast and wide ranging. Whether we are coming or going, the mezuzah embodies spirituality in action — from being a declaration of faith, to helping us create sacred space, and being reminded to live a life of loving kindness. Not just for Jewish people, this tradition can help all spiritual seekers. Please read…
As we entered the Pueblto area Lorenzo showed me a carving of an Indian Shaman in the stone. He explained that it is traditional to greet this carving and leave a smaller stone on top— in order to ask permission to enter. I was so caught up in the moment of learning about this that I did not actually pick…