One-Clip-At-A-Time Helps Educate Kids about The Holocaust

Have you seen the inspirational Paper Clips Movie?  It is a heart-warming story of how a middle school in rural Whitwell Tennessee, looking for a good way to teach diversity, created a Holocaust educational program and Children’s Holocaust Memorial.  After I saw the movie, I got involved by creating a mezuzah that was inspired by the movie and helps raise funds for the Children’s Holocaust Memorial.  In 2008, I went to Whitwell to share the teaching of the mezuzah and affix the mezuzah to their new Holocaust Library.
It was then that I met Alison Lebovitz who created One-Clip-At-A-Time a program that uses clips from the Paper Clips Movie to inspire today’s youth to make a difference.  Shortly after that trip, she gave me the honor of creating a pin/pendant in the shape of the One Clip logo to help as a fundraiser for this amazing program.  We recently did another limited run on this symbolic silver jewelry.  Please show your support of this great cause and order the pin/pendant or make a donation.  Click on the image below for information on how to purchase this piece and donate to this wonderful program.
One-Clip-At-A-Time Pin/Pendant
Sterling Silver
Dimensions: 1.75″ x .75″ x .25″

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