Thank you! To everyone who participated in purchasing art that supported different causes this year. Despite all the hardship, fear and grief that 2020 presented to us, we were still able to raise $4,961.79 for charities. Here’s the breakdown:
Tree of Life Synagogue: $15.90
Whitwell Middle School – Children’s Holocaust Memorial: $26.40
Sisterhood Temple Israel of Hollywood: $215.40
American Jewish World Service: $43.90
Shalom Bayit: $23.90
Women of Isaiah: $18.00
Hand In Hand Schools K-12: $34.65
Aviva Family and Children’s Services: $50.70
Moms Demand Action Against Gun Violence: $287.73
Hadassah: $594.00
Friends of the Urban Forest: $38.85
Brandeis School of San Francisco: $1,461.01
San Francisco Marin Food Bank: $370.60
Voter Participation Center: $1,679.50
Mazon: $101.25
Thanks again. Sending much love and hope for a better year ahead!
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