Today is the one month anniversary (Shloshim) of the horrific attack by Hamas in Israel on the– supposedly– joyous Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah.  The atrocities in the land that are being committed daily are nothing less than unbearable.

In these terrible times, I do have something kind to share.   Hand in Hand School in Jerusalem that integrates Arab and Israeli students is one of 5 schools globally to win the prize for the World’s Best School.  Some of you may remember that back in 2015, I was deeply inspired by their mission to create a shared society in Israel.  I collaborated with Islamic Artist Nabeela Sajjad to create a mezuzah case that would reflect their interfaith advocacy and be of benefit to their schools.  I asked Nabeela— if she would provide some of her stunning Arabic calligraphy for the piece. She donated three versions and I picked the one stating “In the Name of G-d.”

This is the original calligraphy and copper master mezuzah I created back in 2015.  It was displayed in the Interfaith Art Exhibition by the Faith Trio.

According to Nabeela, “As Muslims, whatever we may do, we intend to do with the sincerity of pleasing Allah (God). So my prayer is that this project that I am a part of bring peace and well-being to wherever it reaches and may God be pleased with us.“  

To honor the mission of Hand in Hand Schools, I am now offering this mezuzah with 50% net proceeds benefitting the school.  As supporters of my work, I ask you not just to donate to them directly, or buy a mezuzah, but also to share this project far and wide– and spread some positive light in a dark world at a dark time.  Will you do that with me?

Here’s how the fundraiser works.  Order the Hand in Hand Mezuzah in pewter— online from now until December 7th (the first night of Hanukkah.)  I will collect all of the orders, and begin shipping pieces at the end of the promotion– in early December.  50% Net Proceeds will benefit Hand in Hand Schools in Israel.  (See below for more info on how the donations will be used.) You will be notified when your order is received, when the donation amount is tallied up, and when your piece(s) ship.  Please note:  Bronze plated mezuzot and kosher scrolls are available for purchase, but are not a part of the fundraiser.  If any of you know a donor that might like to match the money we raise, please let me know.

From Hand in Hand: 

Dear Aimee:

Thank you so much for continuing your support in this way to Hand in Hand. As you can imagine, in this very difficult time in Israel, and in Gaza, our work building Jewish-Arab partnership becomes so much more important.

We are raising funds now to help with a number of things, including bringing mental health professionals into our schools to help both teachers and kids cope with anxiety, fear and any possible PTSD; to increase our scholarships as due to the War quite a few parents have lost jobs; and we also have the need to build a bomb shelter/safe room at one of our school campuses.  And of course we raise funds to train teachers, create multicultural curriculum and run our community programs for Jewish and Arab adults.
Lee Gordon
Co-Founder & Executive Director
American Friends of Hand in Hand

With Prayers for Peace,


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