What you choose to do right now will be up to you. I start by being unapologetically Jewish, and take that with me as I lie down and as I rise up, I speak of it on my way. If you’ve never done this, you could perhaps look at your mezuzah, kiss it, and decide if you are ready to represent yourself as a Jewish person in a brutal world. If you are ready, unique opportunities to be of service will emerge. If you are not Jewish, think of your Jewish friends, reach out to them, and defend their character when others bash it.
Lately for me, this question manifested in a letter to the editor of The San Francisco Chronicle in protest of unfair reporting. To others it will mean going out and protesting, joining online webinars, donating money/hosting fundraisers. At the end of the day, I can’t say what you might want to do, or what’s right to do.
Here are a few ideas to consider:
Donate: My cousin asked me if I had heard of https://israelrescue.org. I had not heard of them, but I checked out their site and it looks good. I am very aware of Hadassah Hospital and would recommend people donate there as well. I like supporting the hospitals because they treat EVERYONE affected by the violence.
Show up and Protest: October 13, 2023, 12pm, Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco.
Please stay in touch with me– as community is so important right now.
Much Love,
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